Big Sagebrush


Big Sagebrush is one of the most widely distributed shrubs in Western North America and can be found growing in southern British Columbia and some parts of Alberta. It yields an oil with a cool, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. This oil is a great choice for purifying the air and aids with breathing. Its aroma also helps to promote focus and clarity.  

    - This oil may help with the flu, cold, asthma and other respiratory complaints because it contains camphor and 1,8-cineole, which have been shown to reduce coughs and thin mucus, respectively

    - This oil can increase clarity and focus because of its 1,8-cineole content

    - Add a few drops Big Sagebrush oil into a diffuser to help with respiratory complaints

    - Due to its strong aroma, only a small amount is needed to prepare a respiratory blend (Pure Air blend) that aids with breathing

    - Dilute to 1-2% for an amazing fabric or room spray

    - Blends well with Rocky Mountain Juniper and Ponderosa Pine. For more information, please check out our Okanagan Blend

    - Big Sagebrush has a high amount of camphor and it is not recommended to apply topically, even if diluted

    - Consult with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner or your physician prior to using essential oils with children, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and those with medical issues or are taking medications

    - Do not apply any essential oils internally, eyes, inner ears and other sensitive areas, even if diluted

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